Seven Elements for Great Marketing – Analysis
There are seven elements you need to make your marketing really work.
Sixth, you need to analyze good data to see what is working, what is not and what might work.
When we say “good data” we mean accurate, representative and meaningful data. That is data that measures something important and with a large base.
Five suggestions
- First, learn to read your Google Analytics. There are plenty of videos including many by Google. Don’t be embarrassed, no one was born knowing.
- Second, don’t overthink it. Analyze your real KPIs on a daily basis, but don’t feel you must look at every single little number every day.
- Third, analyze with a view to action. Analyze the creatives to see what is working and what is not. Analyze the audiences to see insights into buyers.
- Fourth, add randomness to your day. Every so often look at data to which you haven’t paid attention to see if you learn anything new.
- Fifth, join all the data into a single dashboard.
At Performist we have a tool, Convergist, that does all that.
At Performist we focus on Total Performance. Visit us or scan the QR code you see for three things:
- One, a no-pressure professional but friendly call.
- Two, once we sign up, a free professional quantitative customer research.
- Finally, a real attribution model.
Thanks, and watch the rest of the videos for more details…