Is the future of media handholding?
Think for a moment about what being a client used to mean: control. After all, it was your brand and your money. So, you as a client controlled everything: packaging, pricing, distribution, advertising, media, promotions and more.
Fast forward to right now.
Cookies are crumbling. The leaked Google documents reveal that SEO is “not what you thought”. Dynamic Creative Optimization creates the messaging algorithmically. Programmatic buying is done automatically. And even segmentation is done statistically.
A lot of clients are going to be saying “WTF?”

So, the next iteration of media departments and media agencies might want to hire a hybrid specialist. A mix of analytical nerd with babysitting skills to make sure clients are reassured that their buys are OK.
What is your favorite name for that position? We have come up with several possibilities:
🤔 Client Reassurance Director
🤔 Chief Handholder
🤔 VP of CX
🤔 Propose a new one? ____________________________________________________
If you are a client and would like to work with an agency that will use absolutely the latest technology to improve your conversion ratios and sales, but will take the time to explain what’s happening, let’s schedule a professional discovery call. No time limit, no pressure, no hard sell. Just a call to understand your needs and see if there’s a fit. Grab some time now at